Pu-erh Teas from Bana Tea Company
Pu-erh Teas Finest by Bana Tea Company
Shoumei White Tea Mini Cake and a Pu-erh Pick
Shoumei White Tea Mini Cake and a Pu-erh Pick
Shoumei White Tea Cake with a Pu-erh Pick 1

Shoumei White Tea Cake with a Pu-erh Pick

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Includes Old Bush Shoumei (Longevity Eyebrow) White Tea 50 gram mini cake. Shoumei is a type of white tea that is made with more mature leaves and is the most popular aged white tea. Also included, an ornate Pu-erh pick is the perfect tool for prying loose tea from a Pu-erh tea cake. The pick is ergonomically designed with a wooden handle engraved with the company's name and wrapped in colorful silk threads that end in a decorative tassel with a colorful stone and glass beads. It also has a conveniently tethered safety cap.
Bana Tea Pu-erh Pick in a clear bag with an instruction sheet